A City of Interiors | Europan 13 Finland | 2015
A City of Interiors
Europan 13
Jyväskylä, Finland, 2015
The Charged Void: Jyväskylä is a city with a vast extension of green spaces. This “Interstitial Landscape” fills the space between buildings, and connections between them happen through paths. This condition generates an interesting relationship between built spaces and nature; but leaves the public space of the ground floor related only with housing private entrances. We believe that the existing landscape on Kortepohja should coexist with another typology of public space, intensively charged with activities and people. In southern European countries, intensely used public spaces have been designed with clear boundaries and shape, surrounded and contained by activity. Jyväskylä, and specifically Kortepohja, is missing this kind of space, as the space able to gather the new and current inhabitants. A strongly defined void charged by its counterpart, the fully active ground floor.
The Thermal Onion: We need a Public Space specifically designed for Jyväskylä, able to control its climatic conditions. Using the concept of the thermal onion theory, based on temperature layers, it is possible to achieve a situation of comfort (Maximum Thermal Control) by using the built elements to create a series of layers that will help to control the thermal conditions through small temperature changes. Following this principle, the buildings will work together with the Public Space in generating a comfortable space to be used through the year, turning Kortepohja in a “City of Interiors”.
Jyväskylä, Finland, 2015
The Thermal Onion: We need a Public Space specifically designed for Jyväskylä, able to control its climatic conditions. Using the concept of the thermal onion theory, based on temperature layers, it is possible to achieve a situation of comfort (Maximum Thermal Control) by using the built elements to create a series of layers that will help to control the thermal conditions through small temperature changes. Following this principle, the buildings will work together with the Public Space in generating a comfortable space to be used through the year, turning Kortepohja in a “City of Interiors”.