Andamiaje Social | Special Mention | 2020
Europan 16 Spain
Andamiaje Social [Social Scaffolding]
[Estrategias de Preservación y Regeneración de la identidad de los pisos del Marqués]
Europan 16 Special Mention
Almendralejo, Spain, 2020
[𝗦𝗢𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟 𝗦𝗖𝗔𝗙𝗙𝗢𝗟𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚] starts from the detailed analysis of the architectural scale, to understand which elements of the existing built environment can be recycled and renovated, and which ones need to be replaced. Thus, a series of elements have been classified as problematic, which must be replaced; and others as identitarians, to reinterpret. After this approach to the existing architectural conditions, the same project attitude expands towards the urban and domestic scale, in order to define a [PRESERVATION STRATEGY] capable of regenerating each scale while reinterpreting and emphasizing the identity of the place.
[URBAN STRATEGY] PRESERVING IDENTITY ELEMENTS AND REGENERATING OF PROBLEMATIC ELEMENTS: At the urban level, the lack of porosity of the ground floor is identified as problematic, as well as the lack of public space of sufficient dimensions to serve on a neighborhood scale. To respond to this situation, the ground floor is liberated from the domestic program and fragmented to dedicate itself to common neighborhood programs, commercial spaces, and access to the housing blocks, constituting a place to promote social and cultural exchange with space for various local businesses, co-learning through workshop and play spaces, and biodiversity, expanding the Special Protection Zone for Birds "Colonias de Cernicalo" in the intervention zone through several bird sanctuaries. The new structural system, 'Ensanche par Apeo' also generates parking space, onto vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles.
[ARCHITECTURAL STRATEGY] FOR PRESERVATION OF IDENTITARY ELEMENTS AND REGENERATION OF PROBLEMATIC ONES. To materialize this strategy, we propose to resort to the traditional APEO (scaffolding support) system, adding a metallic exoskeleton to the existing concrete structure, but proposing that the metallic structure be permanent, in addition to providing it with a thickness with which to generate an interstitial space that expands the habitable area of the dwellings, to accommodate the new vertical communication cores and which in turn serves to host the reinterpreted identity elements, called PLUGINs, both domestic and communal, giving way to a system we called [ENSANCHE POR APEO] (Thickenning through scaffolding support).
Europan 16 Special Mention
Almendralejo, Spain, 2020
[URBAN STRATEGY] PRESERVING IDENTITY ELEMENTS AND REGENERATING OF PROBLEMATIC ELEMENTS: At the urban level, the lack of porosity of the ground floor is identified as problematic, as well as the lack of public space of sufficient dimensions to serve on a neighborhood scale. To respond to this situation, the ground floor is liberated from the domestic program and fragmented to dedicate itself to common neighborhood programs, commercial spaces, and access to the housing blocks, constituting a place to promote social and cultural exchange with space for various local businesses, co-learning through workshop and play spaces, and biodiversity, expanding the Special Protection Zone for Birds "Colonias de Cernicalo" in the intervention zone through several bird sanctuaries. The new structural system, 'Ensanche par Apeo' also generates parking space, onto vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles.
[ARCHITECTURAL STRATEGY] FOR PRESERVATION OF IDENTITARY ELEMENTS AND REGENERATION OF PROBLEMATIC ONES. To materialize this strategy, we propose to resort to the traditional APEO (scaffolding support) system, adding a metallic exoskeleton to the existing concrete structure, but proposing that the metallic structure be permanent, in addition to providing it with a thickness with which to generate an interstitial space that expands the habitable area of the dwellings, to accommodate the new vertical communication cores and which in turn serves to host the reinterpreted identity elements, called PLUGINs, both domestic and communal, giving way to a system we called [ENSANCHE POR APEO] (Thickenning through scaffolding support).