Tres Bibliotecas Municipales . Villaverde Library COAM Competition
Madrid, Spain, 2019
Project Collaborator: Kyle Waugh
The location of the future Library of Villaverde
It is characterized by its strong directionality. Its elongated East-West
dimension ranges from Calcio Street to Aunon Street, presenting an opportunity
for the building to act as an urban connector; and contrasts with the
North-South direction, much narrower.
Taking these characteristics as the basis of the urban proposal, the library is
positioned reinforcing the East-West axis as the main direction of movement. In
this way, Miguel Solas Street expands towards inside the property line shaping
a series of public spaces: Children's playground / Garden / Neighborhood
Along that axis, a series of parallel walls fragment the total dimension of the
building, taking a much more appropriate scale to the neighborhood and
responding to the programmatic distribution.
These walls are placed facing Miguel Solas Street, perpendicular to the
North-South axis, setting communication with the neighborhood through its